A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

this is completely random but evidently I needed to get it off... so here is a Tuesday RANT.
end of the work day and glad to be calling it. chris I received your email... I'll get to you at a later day... maybe when I tell all the world how I got shot at in Denver. yes... not fireworks, but gunshots. (little did I know at the time... how could I know... I had been drinking for hours... though meaningful conversations attempted to slap me with sobriety... never!)

Let's talk about meaningful..or less conversations. the type that only occur when one or more of the involved parties have been self medicating for quite some time... whether it be drink... or some other mind altering non-perscription type substance that may or may not be around. Seriously, I have been the guilty party... but then I realized a few weeks ago how unbelievably annoying it is. If you have something that you want to talk about- particularly if it involves me, then dish it when I have my wits about me... don't allow me to cyphon down the better part of Denvers supply and the start a conversation by telling me what a great listener I am... fuck- anyone who knows me knows that (with the exception of one New Years Eve...) I am an incredibly happy and mediating drunk... I will listen and support and be objective... because who wants confrontation when they're just trying to have a good time... not I. I want to enjoy the company of great friends and dance to a little old school mj. this rant is directed at two of the evenings that I spent in Denver where a person who at one time had captured my attention had felt that the only time he could really talk about how he felt is after he tied a few on... and knew that I had too. Ahh... another day. Good thing I had the terrible two with me to distract me from any real emotion... john and chris... insensitive bastards... and I love them for every minute of it.

So there is an opportunity to go to Waco Texas to a wedding... a wedding of a high school friend that was a great friend in junior high and high school but I have talked to him maybe twice since then (7 years ago). I adore his family, they always treated me better than I could expect... but do I know him now? I am just not sure if I should go.. I was hoping that Chris would either say fuck off and not want to go or get really jazzed about going to Texas... but he is on the fence. welcome, I've missed you. I really don't want to fly down by myself because I would probably end up drinking too much and making an ass of myself... ooh- there's a first.

Hey Mike, if you read this- fly to Waco in mid October and meet me at this wedding- then we can get crazy! I will call you tonight.

I have such great ideas sometimes... like the fact that I think Iwill not get a new car, rather a 4-wheeler how much fun is that? then I don't have obligations to take anyone anywhere and I can use it all year round. ah. problem solved.

I'm going home now to hang out with my dog, steve.


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