A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Evidently, I do not understand "April Fools"

Yes, me moving to California was an Arpril Fool's joke. Evidently, this was not a "funny" "joke" or even a "prank". Here is the what happened. I thought it was funny. No one else did. If someone called to ask if it was April Fools, I became emotional and said that it was a really hard decision...blah blah blah. I got my brother too, who was so supportive over the phone that I actually felt a little bad. Yes, I may be emotionally vacant, but burning my close friends to the point of tears isn't really a burn, it is a cruel joke. I am an ass.

Was it worth it?
Well, lets look at the the negatives:

one person cried. I hand delived a bouqet of gerber daises to apologize with a card that read," I am pregnant with your baby, is that funny? happy April Fools"

my brother was disappointed that I chose such a close to home subject for the "joke". Basically, he was upset that I got him, his plastic heart CAN love!

Sam was planning a trip to Berkely with Zach (which sounds great, I might mneet them there for the hell of it)

I am a bit worried for the few summer staff that read this blog. For the sounds of their comments, I may have scarred them for life.


It was fucking hilarious. I laughed alot, I thought I was genius for one day of my life even if it was on ridiculous terms. It was meant in good fun... even if wasn't funny.

Here is the best part:

I called my mom to tell her and all that she said was,"oh, that's far away." Far away. awesome. That's all she said, and then changed the subject. I followed up with lunch on Saturday and she revealed that she didn't know what to say because she was so sad. she didn't sleep all night. again, not funny on my part.

Perhaps I will suggest that on my behalf, April Fools Day be changed to ,"Claire will emotionally scar you because she is a prick Day!"

My sincere apologies to all who read and were effected by this shocking revelation (the April Fool's joke, not the fact that I am emotnioally vacant and/or a prick.)

Please know that I would never share important news like this over my blog. Only after I had talked with each of you.

To my summer crew: Vicky, Andrew, Luke, Claire, Patty, anyone else that reads, I would never bail on you at the start of summer. ever. I won't be here forever, but your commitment to these programs means the world to me and it is people that you that make my job worth doing. My best to yas.

Alright, have a great week and I will speak with you soon. If you'll have me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

now. the joke itself; funny, you have done better. realistically ensairing all your fiends in a web of lies and pain, hilarious. I myself was taken aback, for a moment, and was fairly confused by the chosen date, not only at the begining of camp, but also before your birthday. would you, being as you are, miss out on a party with all your friends to get back to work? especially considering that you would be (presumably)unemployed, having no real responsibilty... i think not. as supportive a friend as i like to consider myself, deep down i knew you were full of shit.

but now you have to explain why the fuck you haven't been in contact for the last 3 fuckin months!

much love,

my cribbage grows stonger day by day.

3:38 AM  

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