A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Friday, September 19, 2003

I do truly enjoy the energy of Friday afternoon. The anticipation of what the night may bring paired with the satisfaction of working your ass off for another week.... weekends did not carry much meaning until the last couple od months at which time I truly realized the beauty of a break in the week... nor an end or a beginning, just a break.

I will write bits about my brother for a short time... many of you know him. Most of you love him. He is a great man that has faught to get to where he is... and I think he has just won his latest victory. Without going into to too much detail... and for those of you who know about my world... details are not necessary.. so I'll spare the space. My brother has triumphed. Past demons and skeletons no longer have a place in his world as he is choosing honest work. Is he broke? yeah. Is he questioning why? yeah. BUT.. he is breaking a huge fucking cycle that leaves nothing but hurt, distrust... and dead fathers at nine. (my sit.) So I support him, applaud him, and thank all that he has a place to call his home. It gives me belief that if you suport someone,...and really love them. Not just love them when they are on top, but love them when they fuck up and when they don't make any sense and when they are self destructive and when they are selfish... they you can celebrate moments like these. And I am not a matryr... he's my brother and has supported me through so many things in my life thatthere is little to compare to it. He has done the same for me.. though we have had very different experiences and made different choices.... we are together through all of this in soul. So congratulations to my beautiful brother.

I'm going now- cheers.


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