A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Iowa City a.k.a. the city of no consequence.

Why do I do the things I do when I am in Iowa City.... I lived there for the better part of four years and still shen i go back you would think that I am a twenty year old who has never had a drink in her life or a frat boy who is on his own personal sring break trying to tag everyone in sight. I would have to say that I am a adelightful combination of both. I like Iowa City because, cuturally, it is the best place in Iowa. Sure, it has its douche effect with all the the burb bitches and the tool boxes with their parents money but if you skim off that layer there is a community of well-informed people who will do anything for a great time.

Last thursday I went to Iowa Cit yot visit Cody. The plan was hang out, take it easy and lay low- to genuinely redefine the c&c effect as it had slipped a bi in the past months. Instead, I arrive and declare that i was lying- for the sake of everything true to our friendship we should probably start drinking. We started at the Billiards something because it was the only place we knew that has Silver Strike bowling... (please see previous reference to video bowling addiction) After what seemed like only a game or two (about 6) we had had 5-6 beers each and were ready to move on to the next place. As we were stepping out a friend called so we headed over to Kylas where brady and Ryan and Kyla were hanging out. kyla lives with 56 girls and then one creepy lesbo neighbor chick. If whe were actually gay- she would be alot cooler. (that peobably sounds ignoant...so be it) Anyway- we pick up some beer and I get id which is still funny to me and we walk to Klya's... I listen to Ryan and Cody tease each other in the way they do and then we head down to Joe's Place where we meet up with Cody's rromate Daryl and his friends. His friends were a bit boring but the Cody's friend christopher arrived and I really like him. He had interesting things to say and was bigger than himself- you could tell that there was so much more to himthan what he was talking about. I like that ina person. and Cody- your soon to be roomate Bart- totally gay. no way he is only "curious" Let a sista tell you- totally gay.

So we drink too much and get pitas and order a pizza and wear this total "uncle Jesse wig" and I look like a creepy gym teacher and Cody looks like a post 80's hair band member.

The weekend brought a mix of emotions with the annual "Man's camping trip" to which I was invited and then Andrew leaving on Sunday- I always think that I am prepared for these sort of goodbyes- and I don't know what made it SO difficult this year- but walking away from Andrew at the train station felt like someone reached into my heart and bitch slapped it. I cried alot. For the end of something great I cried. THere willbe days that will as bright as this summer, but knowing that something that great has gone is tough.

Allright- see attached pictures for an idea of the happenings of the last week.



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