A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Bastard Child of the Blog Scene.

I take full credit for the month that has lapsed since my last entry... or five weeks rather. Several things have happened as of late so I will try to update all of you on as much as possible without boring you to death- actually- I am going to write thisone to get it all off of my chest. there- this is for all of you too, but its really for me....

So this is my crazy time of year- when I mean crazy I mean that I am in the midst of hiring 100 staff for summer and processing 1300 aplications for participants... if that were only the jist of it all... budget planning is in full swing and my Operations plan is due in a week... am I sweating? no. Can I sleep at night? no. Do I look on the web for other jobs on the web that I am qualified for?yes. Will I leave this job in the next three years? no. Why? Because I love what this job can be. this is my first year as a Director and it is no longer shits and giggles, but if or when I accomplish these things before me and clean up some of the messes left behind and give people opportunities that they deserve... then I will feel as if I have realy done something and then I will move on. I had an offer to interview for a poition in Sausilito, CA... rght accros the bay from San Fran... you know that was tough to pass up.... I cannot abandon the people that I told I would lead through this transition- just can't. If this were just a job.... well, I probably wouldn't be working here. But it does aggrevate me that it has now taken my sleep. Here is my current schedule... I get home from work anywhere from 5pm- 7pm (that early and will soon change) I do the dinner thing, sometimes go places... and try to be in bed by 11pm... and then I lay there... and I look at he clock... and as of late I have been reaching the 3:30 mark for last time I have looked at the clock. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't wake up at 5:30-6:00 am AGAINST my will. a favorite past time for me is setting me alarm clock for the latest possible time, and then hitting snooze a few times until I have sacrificed everything but a shower in the morning... sometimes this allows me to sleep until 7:40 am... nice. Part of the early rise thing is the sun coming up arlier...and I like that... but dammit- let me just get 8 hours and I will be alright.

So I had surgery on my other leg. I have this sort of heriditary messed up vein thing in both of my legs that creats huge greenish blue bulges in my veins... so I had the left leg stripped last July and the right one stripped March 19th. This time there were only about 30 incisions on my leg which is far better than the 50 on the last one. It took a few weeks for me to get back on my feet and even then it was rough... so that always gives me great perspective on life but at the same time it pisses me off a bit. To not be able to do things for yourself- even having people constantly asking me how I was feeling really bothered me... and that bothers me. But its alright now. Everything is healing nicely and my legs are ready for some sun.

I haven't been drinking realy at all since my surgery which has given me a new look on things.... I am not sure if I am enjoying this or not. I had a few beers a couple of weeks ago at a work function but I was feeling like shit because my leg hurt and everyone didn't know what to do with themselves because I wasn't in entertainment mode... I've set myself up for it i suppose... entertaining people I work with so we don't talk about work or anything serious.... i don't know- it was an obligitory social outing... never sets one up for succes. (last year at this event I went to another bar and gave the bartender my boots because my feet hurt... and then I forgot them.. and that was the day that Sam and i reunited awww.. silver lining)

So I am in the process of planning this years birthday bash... it seems as if I am going to push the party back a couple of weeks because I need to get camp going before I have a bunch of friends a my house to celebrate in the way that we do.... wink. I am thinking roller skating.. I will keep all of you updated.

So I was at this conference in St.Charles, IL last Wednesday through Saturday... and many fun times were had.... like the night that I woke up to my co-worker Mandy rubbing my leg and kissing my foot (she thought it was her boyfriend) or when we walked into the COACH store and the overly tan handbag quenn at the counter peered at us and said, "What, no school today?" I have a perfect redition of this that is quite exaggerated.. but a little funny. Or the "authentic" Irish pub that we went to and the waitress had such a distractin Chicago accent and she kept saying fantastic... and the plates were made in China...

Things are well with me and i am content.. if I could get a bit a sleep and get this blur out of my eyes I will be just fine. Take care all.



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