A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Confessions of a drooling nap taker.

I realized that my identiy as lively and personable Claire (if I do say so myself) has been slowly morphing into "Claire the Camp Director". I credit much of it to the fact that staff are trickling in and as of Wednesday we will start our 10 day orientation. It is not a conscious change for me, rather, a subtle, yet drastic improvement in articulating the purpose of my goals expectations for the staff. I find myself to be gentler, more caring, patient, and accepting of differences. I also find myself to be thinking a bit more before speaking or jumping to entertain.... ahhh... I know this may diappoint some of you you- but never fear- i still maintain my wit, I just save it for the weekends (and people who get it.) I guess my biggest struggle is not telling really distasteful stories and jokes, whether they be from my own experiences or that of a friend ( I have great friends) I like to swear just as much as the next trucker- what can I say?

My weekend was a bit weird... balh blah blah. I hesitate to explain because it was boring and I do not want to glorify it by explaining it. I need to stop going out with people that I work with (except Kelli) because it makes it even more difficult to seperate the days...and they are extremely boring. where are my carefree peeps that act on an instant and have little regard for consequence... I miss you!

As for the title, I took a 30 minute nap today with little effort really, and I woke up and the pillow was soaked- it was cold against my face and I was grossed out. I looked around the room like "who did this?" but there was no response (there were actually four other prople in the room) I was disgusted with myself- as I have only done this once before when I had a cold (justfied)so yeah, self declared sloth.

Chris Kilgore, call me or I will hunt you down.

Sam- I love you.

Cody- I am proud of you- keep rocking NC.

D&E- are you commenting??

much love to yas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well. i dont know if you know this, but i couldnt sleep imediately after arriving. so i went for a little walk around camp. and wouldnt you know it, the offices were open and there happened to be an unlocked computer, so i sent word to my family of my safe arrival. and well thats all.
now its time for me to take my own little nappy napperson.
but i don't have a pillow.
so i'll have to drool on the rubber matteress.
love ya! and its great to be back.

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well interesting perhaps one of the other four people in the room poured something on your pillow yea i would go with that claire sure do like the new format will be checking in on you for all the up to date happenings the polka dots are cool love ya D&E

5:08 PM  

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