A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

end of summer nostalgia...

Tomorrow ends our Resident camp season. to most of you this is just another boring detail of a work clad blog scene. for me, this is a sense of completion, acheivement, sadness, happiness, insecurity, confidence... many many things. my first summer completed as a director. people of all ages that believed in me to lead them through an experience of changing peoples life, giving another human being a chance in a world that looks the other way. this is where my passion comes from. the opportunity to break down barriers and give light to the beauty of pure human nature, which I believe, in my heart, is to help another person. I have prepared every detail of a banquet to celebrate the success of a fantastic summer. a summer in which we served more people than in years past, we received more positve feedback, and most importantly, touched, even changed the lives of over 1300 Iowans with disabilities. I feel so proud to have this job. it is the most challanging thing I have ever done in my life, and sometimes a week seems that it may never end, but truth be told, I would not prefer it any other way. I know I am here for a reason, I know that these people need me, and to feel needed and appreciated is a greater feeling that one may ever know.

ahhhh.... I'm crying- need to go.

love to all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you.
and yes, i will tell everyone that i have had sex again...
everyone... yay for me.
oh, and i had sex again.
(i mean after the first again)
so yay again.
and aside from that...

5:04 PM  

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