A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Oops. I lost my phone.

For those of you that are in question as to why I have not called you.. here it is. I lost my phone in a whirlwind of events on Thursday night. To get in touch with me please call my old number, at which time you will receive a message (from me) stating my new number. Never fear, just a phone call away.

Allison. call me, and if you are the anonymous commentor... I'll get you. Just call me, please.

How does one loosea phone after two years of responsible posession? Let me fill in the blanks.

Thursday night I met up with Kristi to see 'Catalpa', the play that has made a few appearances in past blogs. It is an incredible play and Mike Cassidy is incredible. Many many many props to Spencer Griffin, the talented man behind the machine. Incredible show.

Kristi and I meet at the Royal Mile, a quaint, boderline dirty, English bar that has excellent imports. We have a beer and from the way the conversation in going I can tell we are going to have a wild night. Kristi and I hanging out is alot like Sam and I hanging out. We pretty much run the room and thoroughly enjoy ourselves the entire time. We had many great conversations over the course of the evening and none of that obligatory girl talk bullshit. That is what I love about Kristi. It is the same quality that all of my great girl friends have. Alli, I miss you. Kristi and I walk to the Vaudeville Mews to see the show and we talk to Spencer and he informs us that the Griffins will be there tonight... HOOORRAAYY!!! Lela and Steve, the foundation of the Griffin craze are coming to the show! Lela and Steve walk in with Grandma Griffin, I am sitting right behind Lela and she doesn't see me.... she catches up with some friends and says,"It's so great to be here with good friends." To which I reply,"SPEAKING OF GOOD FRIENDS!", Lela turned to me and shouted, "CLAIRE, you slut! How are you?" then I got hugs from the whole fam, met Grandma, and talked a little smack to the Griffins about their soon to be second loss to the unstoppable game team of Sam and Claire.

Post show Kristi and I run to the bathroom as there was no intermission and it was just pure undeserving hell to have to go that badly. Kristi is in the stall and I have the pleasure of being the sound board for the play reviews... everyones eyes dart around and we exchange, "Great show, wasn't it" looks... until this dirty hippie emerges from stall three and procedes to give a review as follows,"that play was so unbelievable. what he did with the sound was monumental." She emphasized her statements with what looked like an interpretive dance and I did my best to hold in my laughter. I know I am a cynic, and I think it is great that people enjoy things... but being an artist of some sorts, I think it is complete buillshit the way people classify performances... she was full of shit. she was trying to steal the show with what she thought to be a better understanding of the complexity of the event. It was an unbelievable show- for sure, but she was full of shit. Monumental.
After the play we traveled to the Hessen Haus where boots were had. Mike and Spencer's friend Will joined us and he seemed nice. Then we started talking about movies, which I don't mind... it gives one an accurate idea of what a person likes overall.... so we talk about High Fidelity, Steel Magnolias (yeah) and then a dark cloud of boy geek covered the table and we were on the topic of "Empire Strikes Back".. now I am pretty skilled at changing the topic (defense mechanism) and so I make some random comment about the sound effects and then stutter into music.... the weather, fashion, I don't know- I was at aloss. This guy was loving talking about the glory days of Star Wars. It was time to go.

We pack up and head to the Garden where we controlled the stage with our power ballads and renditions of all of your favorites. Out of the 20 songs performed I'll say we stole the show on at least 10. And when not singing, Kristi and I would dance in front of the stage giving our interpretive moves to such hits as "she Bop" by Cyndi Lauper. nothing stopping us. Again, I took my shoes off and I don't know what happened. I woke up the next morning with no phone, black feet and blisters (damn heels) and a french fry in bed with me. Such a classy gal I am.

All my best to yas.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you can have wet dreams about a new louie vitamin bag or satchel or wallet or cigarette case, then i can have similar, if not more intense dreams about star wars.

so can it sister.

5:21 PM  

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