We have arrived.
Today is the day. In one hour, my mother will be here and we will leave for the hospital. i will be in until Friday at the earliest. I am ready for this. This is what i want.
Thank you to my terrific friends for all of your support. You are truly the best people in the world.
Here's to a new life.
My best,
awe i love you good luck and yes here is to a new life!
love you.
so much.
we will all be thinking about you today.
i will so much so it might drive me nutts! ;]
~ cody
Just an update about Claire's surgery. Matthew called around 6:30pm and said the surgery went well. She acutally didn't get in till 4:30 because someone had to go in front of her. The doctor said it went better than he expected. That is all the info I have. I am sure Claire will do an update as soon as she can. Allison
good luck sweetie yes a new life indeed but remember your outside appearance may change but it is your soul that made us all love you........
Alright...another update from Matthew. Apart from the pain that was expected, Claire is doing well. She has been up and walking and doing well with that. I think the majority of the pain is getting up and down. Doctor still say that she is doing well. Matthew says that she is on some heavy dosage of pain killers so she wakes and falls back asleep often. Until Claire is out of the hospital, I will continue to update on her blog as I get info from her brother. Allison
thank you, thank you, thank you.
You are so brave sweetie.
-kristi & anna
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