A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Monday, September 29, 2003

This may be a long one... I know that "technically" I should be returning phone calls and "working".. I know that- but first, let me take five minutes to empty the plate of thought... I just can't think with all of this going on in my head.

My dream last night was excellent... that sort of peaceful dream where you wake up completely content. Not the envious sort of dream where you try to push yourself back into sleep to scavenge another few mintues of sub-reality, but the type where the time you had was enough, story told. It sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud.... and how dreams are- where it seems perfectly logical at the time- and then you say it and suddenly people look at you like you are a unicorn. Dream: My mom lived on a cruise ship in a really nice apartment, with my 100 year old great grandmother, throughout the dream, I would often panic that if I would visit her, the boat may leave from the dock and I would be stuck on the boat, missing something or late for work. Even in my dream I was hesitant in my time with her because I knew that I did not want to be stranded on this damn boat. Here is the great part. I married the lead singer of dashboard confessional. it was a pleasent, small ceremony. I chose the soundtrack to the wedding and one of the groomsmen stated that he had landed a great catch with great taste in music. I remember that my husbands father built and rebuilt Harleys, and his mother refurnished old furniture. My husband loved me and we were happy, and we would regularly hide from others to make out. it was nice. There was at least a few more hours of things going on here but the truth is that I woke up content. Not that I am crazy into being married, but I am headed towards the preparedness of being in a relationship.

Side note: recently, a previous interest has stumbled back into my world... and I could be alright with knowing him better. I will keep you updated.

Alright- on to the bantor of this weekends activities. I had plans to be productive this weekend, I really did, but truth be known- I lost all of that with my ridiculous activities on Friday night. I am not sure if I try to prove to myself that it is possible to actually pickle oneself in one evening, but when I was done being unconscious on Saturday morning, I am surprised that my liver did not jump out and bitch slap me.
Bruises, bruises, bruises. I fell down approximately SIX times on Friday night- because I was drunk.... and it wasn't one of those I am helpless tipsy, misbalanced type falls- these were " I am the best dancer in the world, take that Chicago, oops there's a speaker, flat on my face" type falls. Literally, I tripped over a speaker and have the skinned knees and blue shins to prove it. There was also the time when I was dancing with Cody and he bumped into me and I flew back and knocked my head into the mirrors before sliding to the ground... all the while laughing like it was possibly the funniest thing I had ever accomplished... I feel that I have finally achieved the cliche phrase of "dance like no one is watching" why? because no one in their right mind would purposefully allow me to go on like this with people watching... I should have known better??? but then again- I just didn't care, my life is too short and when I think about Friday, I laugh- seriously laugh at what an ass I made of myself- but I don't feel like a twat because I had a great time. Saturday on the otherhand I felt like absolute, hellacious shit. I wasn't sick- I was just feeling all of the pain from the gymnastics of the previous evening. I stayed in on Saturday, because I felt as if I could only run my show one night a week without it taking toll on life's more important qualities, like dignity... I read a great book and Sunday I felt like at least a dollar fifty. Today I feel great, and new things are around the way for me- I am going to make some calls tonight and see where things go. cheers to all.


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