A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Friday, October 17, 2003

The day the power went and everything was okay.

I woke up this morning to flashing lights on my alarm clock. I look at my cell phone, 9:26. Yeah, I needed to be at work at 8:00 and still needed to shower. So I call the panicked call to my boss, who I was supposed to meet with: Sherri, the electricity went out and I am so sorry that I missed our meeting this morning.
Sherri: ooh, did someone just wake up? It's alright, I though our meeting was at 11:30, take your time, you probably needed the sleep.
Me: Thanks, I'll see you at 11:30.

That was way too easy, then when I call my co-worker to let her know the situation and where I will be if she needs me, she says, yeah, all the power went out at camp.... we figured you were still sleeping.

Can I get a wake-up call here people? It was a strange start to the day as everyone that usually expects me to be everywhere at once was suddenly sympathetic to the fact that the power went out, and that I needed the sleep. It was a little strange. Also strange, Last night at 4:30, when I woke up because my dog was crazy barking outside I went outside in just my t-shirt and undies and realized once I was unwrapping his leash from the tree at 4:30am that all of my surroundings were dreamlike. It was super eerie.

Last night I received a call that offered me the opportunity to interview for a job similar to the one that I have, alot less stress, more pay and great location. Twin cities anyone? I have a FLOOD of thoughts on this one and I don't know whhere to start. So.. I will wait.

My mom cancelled on me for lunch today and said that she waited to tell me until last night because she didn't want me to get mad at her and not call her for weeks. Nice. never mind common courtesy. I am not mad, disappointed, yes. again. The last six times we have made plans at her request she has cancelled last minute or just not shown up... the one that burned the most was my birthday dinner, that is why I didn't call her. I don't know. I do- but I won't get into it.

I have progressed from emotionally vacant to emotionally confused.

I talked with Steve from Americorp today and he is great, he wants to join us again next summer. great guy. He also would like me to come to Texas next weekend to hang out. If I wasn't saving for a car, I would. But I really want a car in the next month so I don't think that I will go.

I need to stop smoking and drinking soda. for real. I am definitely decreasing significantly, but I just need to stop all together.

That is all for right this minute... back to work for me.. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Nothin but love.


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