A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

New Blog title.

It is very amusing to me. You be the judge. Can you drink a 12pack of Coors light and still meticulously decorate a christmas cookie? Visit www.samuelgriffin.blogspot.com for proof. If you cannot do this, than I am better than you. I can do a number of things better than you. I am sure you are great at things too, but this is my blog, therefore, I am #1.

Loving you loving me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In years living with you, there was several things that you could outdo me in. I would like to say in the past two weeks I have suprised myself and think that I have risen above you in one cateorgy. May be short lived, but still I am proud of my accomplishments. GAS. VERY BAD GAS!!!!!!! Gas that smells so bad that I have to roll down the window while driving and sometimes wondering if I have shit my pants. Maybe the holiday food. who knows, but I am number one in this. hee hee hee. anonymous ( yes i know anonymous is bullshit, but tell me you can't figure this one out!!) love you, me

6:11 PM  

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