Resolving the New Year
I have always had, much like everyone else, a quiet disdain for New Years resolutions. Each year I have stated the default resolutions that I could regurgitate in my sleep. Loose weight, go to the gym, stop smoking, don't sleep with men without getting a name first, you know, all of the basics. The last six weeks have really messed all of that up for me. I actually RESOLVED something in the last six weeks. I stopped smoking- completely. (not even a social smoker anymore, its true). I have lost 40 pounds in the last five weeks. I am slowly working my way into the gym, I drink 70 pllus ounces of water a day, absolutely no caffeine, no sugar, no fat, no carbonation in my diet. Where does this leave me? I guess I could work on the name thing, but sorry to say that even that no longer applies... meaning, I am sure to ask names, even CONVERSE before jumping into anything. I thought about starting to swear, like really going for it- talking like a sailor all the time, telling people off... but that wears thin. It is so much better when it is reserved for special occasions... far too much class for that. (see above for standards of classiness)
With the above stated, I got real with my resolutions. It was a REAL thing for me to look at myself and realize what I needed to change. I decided that I would do the following:
* Assume good intentions.
When I shared this resolution with my friend who declared he was quitting regular coca cola, he said, "that's not a real resolution." I think it is better than typical resolves for this reason. When I assume good intentions, it allows me to believe that people are good and that we are working together. When the doubt of another persons intentions creeps into my thoughts, it slowly eats away at trust, and confidence, and all of those other self-destructive voices that ultimately leave you bitter and lonely. This is both a personal and professional goal. I really want to get all of the negative energy ditrust out of my world, This last year has been a huge one for me and I have learned alot of valuable lessons. There were times both personally and professionally where I was thrown into a ridiculously hideous spiral of mistrust all because I thought another person in my life had malicious intentions. Granted, this does not apply to those that I am really close too, I know better... I generally do not dive into not trusting friends. tHese are acquaintances, people I work with... and that can be the worse.
*Drop the judgements.
All joking aside, I have come to the realization that whatever moral viewpoints I have simply formed themselves into some pretty ridiculous judgements. It is intertwined all through my blog and I cannot say that I am proud- I can certainly defend it, and most of it is based on experiences, but that does not mean that my generalizations are in any way fair. So I am working on it.. I will still participate for comic purposes only... but I will put the rants aside for a more grounded approach.
That's it.
With this, I will step into a more adult version of myself and hopefully open my eyes to anyhting I have been missing...
Cheers to all of you and good luck with the caffeine free, nicotine free, gym bunny, low fat, no carb new year.
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