A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

When the sun sets over the sunny side.

Many, if not all of you know where I work and what I do. It is impossible to deny the level of relationships you build with people (campers, consumers, clients). It is something that happens without effort, in an environment where acceptance rules, it is a simple beauty that evolves out of repect and dignity. When I see campers outside of camp many of them explain to me that they want to live with me at camp. They ask what I do when it snows, can I still swim. They ask me about all of the counselors and who will be coming back. There are several faces that I cannot imagine camp without. a dear friend of mine passed away this weekend. She was in my cabin when I was 18 years old. She wasn't that old. This is a small tribute to her.

This woman was a hand full. She would yell accross the camp,"Hey Claire, come here, I gotta tell you something!!" Her raspy, deep voice would peirce through any crowd and always get your attention. if you said that you would be over in a minute, she would say,"that's what everyone always says!" She and I could laugh together. It was something that she didn't do with everyone, just a few of us. We also disaggreed, we would argue, and then I would say, "let's agree to disagree" and she would say, "maybe you agree, but I don't!" I cared alot for her. I would drive to her house to bring her to Respite because her mom, who is pushing 60, still worked 12 hour shifts as a nurse to pay for the house. Her brother tried his best, but was put out to take care of her, you could sense the resentment.

About a year and a half ago, I noticed a change in her. Her health worsened, instead of her walker, she was in a wheelchair. Instead of random oxygen, she was on it all the time. It was painful to watch, but I stil gave her loads of shit... I just didn't want her to give up. Iwould talk to her about living on her own... being more independent. She asked if she could live at camp all the time. Even though she understands that she can't.

I was walking out of the office to a meeting when a co-worker yelled and told me to come over. I was in a great mood, feeling productive and looking forward to providing the VP with a solid report. "________ died this weekend. Can you believe that?" she said. "Are you kidding?, How?"

You know when you have those slap in the face moments, where everything about a person is peeled away and you see their absolute true colors... that happened today. My co-worker, who is revered as a good employee, says, "She always complained, but I always assumed she was exaggerating." A lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, I walked away. I was disappointed for her. For everyone who assumed she was not ill, for her family who did their best, but couldn't see that she may have done better in assisted living. For all of the times, that all of us said we would be over in a mminute to talk to her, ut never went back.

Rest in peace friend. You were loved, and respected, as a person, a friend. I hope that you can breathe freely now and that you can run and feel no pain. I hope that wherever you are, people listen, because you have some great stories to tell.

My best to you and your family.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for your loss claire. Its amazing how one person can touch our lives. Im so glad you do what you do and Im sure every camper that goes through those gates feels the same way. Love ya!

4:58 PM  
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9:01 AM  

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