Catch up on me.
Hey there super fans, I apologize for the lack of communication. Truth be told, I have had a great month but the lving got in the way of the writing. That and work is getting all sorts f busy so I do not have as much time to think up witty re-inactments of my life. Today, I have scheduled a little time to do jst that. I will break down this entry into categories in hopes that the reader can sift through to the content that he or she desires.
1. I got bamboozled by a clown penis wearing hairpeice mouth raper.
I haven't been to the dentist in 9 years (gasp) to some of you that is unimaginable, to those of you that do not have insurance and never really have- no big deal. To me, it wasn't a huge problem, it wasn't even a big deal last summer when half of my back molar broke off and I cut my tongue on my tooth.... this time my entire face was hurting, I couldn't eat (as much) and even drinking diet coke was painful. I randomly picked a dentist based on the following qualifications: 1) closest to my house 2) answered the phone first. i called last WEdnesday morning and had an apointment for that afternoon "Dr. Collins (a.k.a. mouth raper) has had a cancellation and only has a half hour open but lets see if we can get you in and at least give you something for the pain." Don't mind if I do! I wonder is that is how they lure all the patients in?? So I get comfy in the office, mesmorized by the seafoam green walls and beautiful mirrored sculptures...eek. This was an oldschool dentist, and I was alright with that. X-rays were taken, charts were filled out and we had 7 minutes to go before my appointment was up. I could taste the sweet freedom.... not so fast! Mouth raper quickly enters the room and claims that I will need a root canal. (panic quickly sweeps over me but I am comforted by the fact that I only have few more minutes in this chair) But WAIT! Dr. Mouth Raper gets his tools and prepares to go in. WHAT?? I ask, today? "Yeah, you don't want to wait on this, it is clear down to the nerve. AHHHHH!! So he and his sidekick load up the needle with the novacaine and he proceeds to poke and prod until I am squirming out of the seat. five doses of the sweet numbing juice later, I can't feel my face and have relaxed into a state of disbeleif and submission. an hour later with the smell of smoldering tooth I am finished, feeling vunerable and babmboozled. I walk away from the dentist with a drooling mouth, a referral to an oral surgeon (for the broken wisdom tooth ), a perscription for antibiotics and vicodin fro the pain. ahh, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Was it worth it? I suppose.
2. Monday night bowling league
A new place called the High Life Lounge opened a few weeks ago and my friend Billy runs the place. Tony, Cy, Kelli, Tanner and I meet up every Monday night at 6:00pm for a $2.75 burger basket and three games of bowling. the game is alot like Golden Tee, except that is bowling. My bowling name is: CAC Compton Ass Claire
We drink, we bowl, and we alienate every other person in the bar with our enthusiasm for the slow-motion replay. as of yet, this is my highlight of the week.
More updates are coming soon- I am off to a meeting and other work related stuff..
Have a great day!