A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Boobs hanging out and talks of "aunt flo".... other duties as assigned?

I hate to fill each blog with tales of camp... but it is my life at the time. The title of this blog reflects the part of my job that I find rather humorous. I am working with counselors that are all over the age of 18... and yet today... after having covered the topic three times, I had to draw a picture of what an innappropriate shirt to wear looks like... example: boobs out.. or as I like to say- tiggly jitties. and then we had to have a descriptive discussion about hygeine and disposal of femminine products because the girls cabins smell like period. gross. I did not ign up for this. seriously. I don't tell you about my business, I shouldn't have to inform you how to take care of yours. I will credit this discussion to the difference in culture.

All in a day's work. Do you think if I sent my story to Reader's Digest that they would print it and give me $500. I think it is funny- youwould too if you could see my drawing of a shirt that is "too revealing"... I believe I might have said something to the fact of " on the weekend, it's your business, let 'em hang out." Ahhh- such a role model.

take care all... I will have more time to write when Sam is gay again.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Confessions of a drooling nap taker.

I realized that my identiy as lively and personable Claire (if I do say so myself) has been slowly morphing into "Claire the Camp Director". I credit much of it to the fact that staff are trickling in and as of Wednesday we will start our 10 day orientation. It is not a conscious change for me, rather, a subtle, yet drastic improvement in articulating the purpose of my goals expectations for the staff. I find myself to be gentler, more caring, patient, and accepting of differences. I also find myself to be thinking a bit more before speaking or jumping to entertain.... ahhh... I know this may diappoint some of you you- but never fear- i still maintain my wit, I just save it for the weekends (and people who get it.) I guess my biggest struggle is not telling really distasteful stories and jokes, whether they be from my own experiences or that of a friend ( I have great friends) I like to swear just as much as the next trucker- what can I say?

My weekend was a bit weird... balh blah blah. I hesitate to explain because it was boring and I do not want to glorify it by explaining it. I need to stop going out with people that I work with (except Kelli) because it makes it even more difficult to seperate the days...and they are extremely boring. where are my carefree peeps that act on an instant and have little regard for consequence... I miss you!

As for the title, I took a 30 minute nap today with little effort really, and I woke up and the pillow was soaked- it was cold against my face and I was grossed out. I looked around the room like "who did this?" but there was no response (there were actually four other prople in the room) I was disgusted with myself- as I have only done this once before when I had a cold (justfied)so yeah, self declared sloth.

Chris Kilgore, call me or I will hunt you down.

Sam- I love you.

Cody- I am proud of you- keep rocking NC.

D&E- are you commenting??

much love to yas.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

go ahead.. tell me what you think.

After many requests I have now ( I believe) added comments to my blog- that means you (the reader) may comment on the happenings of my life. I hope that this will satisfy many of you that need this- and I know now that perhaps I will kow who it is that actually reads this. I would like to let everyone know that the only reason (true reason) that I have comments on my blog(if it worked) is because they have made it so easy that I can't really get it wrong. (If comments do not appear at the end of this blog then we've been bamboozled)

How much fun was this weekend? Let me fill you in.

Friday I was tired following a week of 14+ hour days doing the budget thing.. for those who know me, know that me at my desk in front of a computer for that long is a pure undeaserving hell. I like my job because it is not a desk job- it has its required elements, but for the most part I have the opportunity to get away from my desk for hours at a time. In the summer- I am outside. It's nice. So last week wasn't so great for my inner explorer. Friday was Cody's last night in Des Moines and we had made plans to have dinner. I worked until 6:00 and we met at my house. We talked- good talks and headed to Merle Hay Mall (it is such a horrible, dirty place) I don't know if I felt a bit weird because I was there on a Friday night or the fact that it was packed and smelled like dirty people. stale. stank. ew. (I'm really not a snob, but at the end of the day- it just put a funk on things- and I had just had a shower so I was smelling GREAT)

We bought matching t-shirts that read: I Carry No Cash. I think it's funny, but after wearing the shirt it seems that people really want a thorough explanation of what it means. there is no political statement people- I just don't carry cash- so don't ask me for money. Famous Barr is going out of business (gasp)and so I went into the store for the second time in my life. It was like an indoor flea market- people were being scandalous trying to get their peice of the 40% discount. It was amusing for the first three seconds and then I wanted to scratch their faces.

Cody and I went to dinner, had a few drinks, back to my house and the out to meet Lyle, Tony, and Cy at the garden. It was some sort of 80's night and it was quite hilarious. Drag queens and aquanet? are you kidding me? a match made in heaven. Cody and I had a nice time just being near each other. We headed back to my house where he made last mintue preparations for his 4:00am departure. I sent him of at 4 with a hug. Then I went to sleep and had to get up at 8am.ugh. Here's the thing. the idea of cody not being near me makes me sad, but what far outweighs that is the opportunity that he has to make things happen for himself. so help me if he comes back early I will kick his ass. I know that just getting away for a bit wil far improve his chances of being satisfied with his life journeys. completely my opinion.

Saturday I went to the farmers market with my aunt, lunch with the fam, shopping with the brother and nephew and then home... a quick nap and I was ready to roll with Sam for the night. I am SO thankful that sam and I got to have our quality time. I was beginning to wonder if our busy life schedules would alow it.

Sam and I went to Cari's graduation party. I met Cari through Sam in December (though we have met before) and she is an incredible woman. She has just finished pharmacy school and I believe she has the integrity to make this world a better place. Sam's friends are the best. We danced, played flippy cup drinking games, brought in the stuffed Animal (from the Muppets)... great times. Sam and I decided to meet up with Tanner at the garden at 12:30 where more drinks were had and we danced and it really seemed like we were the only three in the bar. and I love that feeling. we decided to go to the "banana thong dance cage" where we danced and drank a bit more AND THEN THINGS GOT A BIT BLURY... I know that i talked to a bunch of random people, danced on a platform, followed sam into the men's room before realizing that we weren't outside, met T.J. for the first time.... something about McDonalds... and then we were home. I won't get into specifics, but let's just say that my mcdonalds did't have the opportunity to digest. I woke up this morning feeling like I was still drunk on my bed with no pillow, blanket, or sheets (I did laundry yesterday and hadn't made my bed) I vaguely remeber saying goodbye to Sam... yeah- wasn't feeling too hot. So I had Kelli drive me to get my car on the West side and I had to sit with my door open and take a few deep breaths because it was really hot out and I thought I might be sick. yeah, I was sitting in the parking lot of the "Machine Shed" where families were gathering for post-church lunch and I got out of Kelli's car saying, I think I'm still drunk- only to look up and meet eyes with a very nice family... so I wander to my car- make it home- I felt much better after eating a bit of lunch and not moving for about four hours.

So I am at work right now-obviously not working.. I'm taking a blog break. It is 10:40pm.... I have a few more hours to go so that I can feel as if i have a fresh start tomorrow. The summer leadership team arrives tomorrow- I can't wait to see them. what a great group of people.



Monday, May 03, 2004

Chapter Five: Emotions of a weekend

I will start the weekend on Thursday... because that is when it starts- or at least the anicipation of the weekend.

Thursday morning my Aunt (who has been like a second mom to me) had to put her dog to sleep. her dog was 15 years old- and was the only "child" my aunt has ever known. this dog was just as much family as myself or my brother or my sister. It was a bit surreal, my brother and I went over to my grandmothers and cooked dinner for everyone and ther was great sadness hanging over us. I don't know if anyone has ever had a dog for 15 years, but I have had Steve for just over a year and I can't imagine life without him. (Steve is my dog for those that aren't avid readers) Friday morning I took them breakfast- because nothing comforts the loss of a loved one like food- isn't that strange- I know that your dog died, but i brought you bagels and juice....

I dropped these off and hit the road for Minneapolis. I was excited to be driving- with little time frame restraints. I was pleased with the sunshine and the open road and the great music in my car, and the fact that I have a car that I can enjoy all of these. I am driving and I am happy, and then I start to remember other things that make me really happy- like my friends. When Sam was home in October and the minute he came to my house I had a skirt and cheap little shirt that said something about being boy crazy and a hilarious red wig with a purple bow- and he came to the house and Cody and I informed him that we were all going to a drag birthday party and when we got there everyone was horribly ackward.... everyone was pretty much already asexual looking- and so there was no clarification as to their sex by dressing in drag. But we went all out with fake lashes and all that and it was insane and I thought of it during my drive and I laughed- a really good laugh, for about 15 minutes. sam is coming home this weekend and I can't wait to see him.

I get to St. Paul to see Paul (not the Saint, rather my old camp director and mentor) so I get to his office and we hang out for a couple of hours and then we go to his house, bout a 45 minute drive..and he gives me this amazing cd to listed to and this makes me completely content - to be driving in a city with the windows down and music that makes my soul calm. we arrive at his house and catch up with his wife Nattaya (pronounced Nathia) and his son cameron- who I have known since he was 6- and now he is 14. We went to dinner and had great conversation and watched a Monty python movie.. The life of David- and it was hilarious.... Saturday morning I woke up at 5:45... a mere 4.5 hours after I had fallen to slumber... (still not sleeping so much) and I read.. Paul joined me at 6:45 and we went for coffee, went to see his first camp that he started at 15 years ago, and went to the car wash... where they wash, vaccum, do windows inside and out for $13. I love that place. We had great talks, laughed, it was grand. We picked Cam up at the house and headed to Borders where books were discovered and I picked up a gift for my friend Emily.

I met with this guy at Wilderness Inquiry in Minneapolis- great place- the provide outdoor adventure trips for people with and without disabilities... anywhere from 2-30 day canoe, kayak, hiking- really cool program.

I headed ot of Minneapolis around 1:00 and for some reason I had a really uneasy feeling that I was leaving a feeling behind- the feeling of a content freedom where time does not bound and I could relax. there is also great comfort in knowing and being people who really know you. I suppose I enjoyed this so much because there was nothing expected of me. I loved it. Paul told me before I left that if I moved to Minneapolis he would find me a job and a place to live in a heart beat. I love Paul Thorne, and Nattaya and Cam.

The drive back was slow... but I arrived in Des Moines with anticipation of Emily's going away party. She is joining the Peace Corp for 2 years and will be in South East Africa. I am so proud of her. Her party was so much fun. I went with Cody, Sarah, and Kelli. Justin was there and I saw Nick- who I used to hang out with a bit in Iowa City and it was just a great night. We danced, made friends, made fun of a few ridiculous people... namely the girl with bad hair that was possibly trying to reproduce with this guy on the dance floor, though they were both fully dressed.... I will not call it dancing... rather- it was closer to a embarassing, uncoordinated dry hump... it could have been a wet hump- but I wasn't getting that close. and then there was the guy in the suit clapping the entire time.... and he told us to stop talking shit because we we were all clapping with him... I told him to just enjoy himself.... as we were. Many drinks were had and we enjoyed the company we were in and it was nice. I loved every minute of it.

Sunday I went to a memorial for my great uncle and I sat there looking at pictures of his life wishing that I knew him better. I wouldn't call it regret, for it was just in the past year that I really had spoken with him- but he led an incredible life and I thought that was underappreciated. He did not have a wife or children but he had his friends, and this was his legacy- and I can understand this. This makes sense to me. It was evident that his friends loved him, and he had great friends. They put together this amazing photo slideshow video with Sinatra in the background- very well done.

Last night I spent time with my brother and he was very content- I think he is getting his shit together and that makes me happy.

I am reflective on this Monday morning- but I also am content. Looking forward to the chaos that is around the corner.
