A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Friday, April 22, 2005

I believe....

I heard this clip on the radio that said that we are capable of acheiving anything we dream. Sounds a little far fetched, but it provoked a conversation in the car on the way to a meeting. I was riding with people that I do not know too well, as they have just arrived... they begin with dreams like," Looks like I'll be a billionaire!", and " I'll finally get that Hummer", (I was the only one who laughed). So in true fashion, I say, "I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside- " By this point, I am starting to sing and realize that every person in the vehicle is staring at me. NO ONE got it. no one. they replied with kind remarks about how I am such a giver and it was nice to think of people rather than money. to which I reply, "Oh- its a song. I would totally shoot for a few Hogan bags and Minolo's. I'm really not that nice." This reaction tail-spinned into what i will call: the most ackward 15 minutes of my life. I then siad I was joking but they didn't know what to believe and I thought the entire thing was super entertaining.

I spoke with the board of Directors for work yesterday... I was a bit nervous but it went really well. They were quite receptive to my speech and then asked me about myself. By the end I had them all laughing... ah yes... one board meeting at a time, I will capture their hearts with my quick remarks.

I was in chicago for eight days for trainings for the American Camping Association. It was an entertaining experience. I made a new friend , Neil, who by the end of the conference I had convinced that we would be singing Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' for everyone at breakfast. I even convinced him that we should make up dance moves. He is super cute, 29, and married. I won't hold the last part against him but it should make sense for all of you why we did not make out. The thing about Camping conferences is that there are tons of super excited people. and no drinks. (read: my sarcasm often got the best of me and the damn girl scouts evidently know nothing about how to repsond to cynicism and/or sarcasm. their bright eyed confused looks only give me more fuel.) The first four days I was at a camp near Wisconsin for the Basic camp Directors Course, which I will now say was a complete waste of both my time and $530. I did meet Neil, but I will probably never see him again- so I am going to say- still not worth $530. Now before you assume that i am unable to enjoy anything in life... let me in on the pot of gold that awaited at the end of this dreary rainbow.

I met a camp director from an ES camp in Kentucky. His name is Jim. This is Jim's first year involved in camping and his first time ever working with people with disabilities. Jim is a Mountaineer. he taught at the University of Iowa for the past 20 years and has been all over the world climbing his way to the top (literally- he has been to the Summit of 43 different mountains). He is starting a new program that will take folks with physical disabilities to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa in September 2006. It will be a 2-3 week trip where volunteers (me) will not have to pay but will assist individuals with disabilties up a huge mouintian. This is not a metaphor baby! This is the real thing. and I am going to do it. I know you have a few questions, so I will answer them for you here and now.

You: Do they sell smokes on the mountain? How will you survive?
Me: May 1st, 2005. Smoke-free. By the time I will climb the mountain i will be smoke free for 1 year and 4 months. My lungs should be at east half capacity by then.

You: Three weeks without a beer?
Me: Coolers have wheels. duh. and the altitude change can make for some great parties.

You: You're not exactly "in shape"....
Me: Dick, I can't believe you just said that. I know, I do not posses a Mountaineer's physical stature, but in a year and four months I will be prepared to climb it baby!

I hope that covers the three areas of questions, please comment with any others.

This is a once in a lifetime experience and I cannot wait. I told my boss thinking that she would be SO excited for me- not only that I am climbing a mountain but that I am doing it with folks with disabilities and working with an affiliate. Her response was, with jaw to the floor, "You're not going to die up there are you? I want them to sign a document that says you will return home safely, alive, and that they cannot recruit you to work for them." deal. I would have preferred an encouraging statement but I'll take what I can get.

I suppose that this all ties in full circle to dreaming what is perceived as the impossible. did I ever think that I would even plan to climb a mountain??? no. this is coming from a girl who while at the Uof I, took the bus uphill so she wouldn't have to walk the incline. Watch out superfans, I am on my way to Africa.

My best to all of you. My budget is due in a few so I need to be working on numbers, not dreaming mountains.


Sunday, April 10, 2005

Traveling down this road... watching the signs as I go.

Hey there- a quick note to let all of you know that I will be out of town for the next 8 days. Iam off to Chicago for a camping conference. Should be a great experience- I am presenting a session to educate leaders on how to train their staff to break down labels concerning people with disabilities. I look forward to it.

Have a great week!


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Did you know that gullible isn't in the dictionary?

I have a friend that seems to be falling prey to my mischevious ways. Last Friday, he fell super hard for my Aprils fool's joke. So hard that I had to deliver flowers to his place of work in hopes of redeeming our friendship. Yesterday, he sent an invitation for a party to me and asked for a friends email. I wrote the following:

Her email is clownpenis.fart@easterseals.org


whichever one.

Talk to you soon!

Obvious right? We work for a non-profit (I am sure you can guess from the email) and clearly, the first is just me being an ass. HOWEVER, after work I get a call from this person and he says that the email was sent back. "Which address did you send it to?" , "The clown fart one"

Are you serious? He thought it was a bit inappropriate for a work email but sent it anyway.

I love this person more and more every day and can't wait until he moves in. YEAH!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Evidently, I do not understand "April Fools"

Yes, me moving to California was an Arpril Fool's joke. Evidently, this was not a "funny" "joke" or even a "prank". Here is the what happened. I thought it was funny. No one else did. If someone called to ask if it was April Fools, I became emotional and said that it was a really hard decision...blah blah blah. I got my brother too, who was so supportive over the phone that I actually felt a little bad. Yes, I may be emotionally vacant, but burning my close friends to the point of tears isn't really a burn, it is a cruel joke. I am an ass.

Was it worth it?
Well, lets look at the the negatives:

one person cried. I hand delived a bouqet of gerber daises to apologize with a card that read," I am pregnant with your baby, is that funny? happy April Fools"

my brother was disappointed that I chose such a close to home subject for the "joke". Basically, he was upset that I got him, his plastic heart CAN love!

Sam was planning a trip to Berkely with Zach (which sounds great, I might mneet them there for the hell of it)

I am a bit worried for the few summer staff that read this blog. For the sounds of their comments, I may have scarred them for life.


It was fucking hilarious. I laughed alot, I thought I was genius for one day of my life even if it was on ridiculous terms. It was meant in good fun... even if wasn't funny.

Here is the best part:

I called my mom to tell her and all that she said was,"oh, that's far away." Far away. awesome. That's all she said, and then changed the subject. I followed up with lunch on Saturday and she revealed that she didn't know what to say because she was so sad. she didn't sleep all night. again, not funny on my part.

Perhaps I will suggest that on my behalf, April Fools Day be changed to ,"Claire will emotionally scar you because she is a prick Day!"

My sincere apologies to all who read and were effected by this shocking revelation (the April Fool's joke, not the fact that I am emotnioally vacant and/or a prick.)

Please know that I would never share important news like this over my blog. Only after I had talked with each of you.

To my summer crew: Vicky, Andrew, Luke, Claire, Patty, anyone else that reads, I would never bail on you at the start of summer. ever. I won't be here forever, but your commitment to these programs means the world to me and it is people that you that make my job worth doing. My best to yas.

Alright, have a great week and I will speak with you soon. If you'll have me.


Friday, April 01, 2005

You heard it first.

I hate to reveal such a life desicion on the internet, but I feel that this is the best way to communicate with everyone one at once. For those with questions, please call.

I have accepted a job in Berkley, CA. My start date is June 1st. Although this was the TUOUGHEST decision that I have ever had to make, I made the choice for me. I found the job on MSN, it is aagency for children with Autism called "the Autism Society of Nothern California" and they had a program director position open. I applied four weeks ago and have been in the process from that point. If I have been withdrawn from communication, this is why. I am having a hard time working up the nerve to tell my boss- who I think will cry. I have decided to tell her on Monday. That way I will have the entire weekend to get it right.

For those of you that are close- you know that I love the bay area and it is time for me to go back. I have a few friends in the area and Steven and Lo from Laguna Beach.

Ugh. This sucks, but at the same time, I can't wait!

More later- I'm off to give a tour.