A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Monday, July 26, 2004

A Little change in Scenery.....

Let me highlight the weeks past events.  For those of you that read every so often let me enlighten you as to why my entries are so incredibly sporadic.   I work at a camp that consumes about 90 percent of my time, heart, soul, and mind.  a small sacrifice for the experiences that one is allowed.  Actually, I do not simply work here, I am responsible for everything that happens... overwhelming at times but hindsight works its furious magic and a few minutes later I am shifted back into contentment.  With that said, I will update you on this past week.

On Sunday, the 18th, I had to drive to Springfield, MO to take care of some much needed business on a trip that I had sent out earlier that day.  I had to swap a staff member because the balance wasn't there and the trip leader was really upset about the needs of the consumers.  (note to readers:  in this case I do not rule with an iron fist, I do not use the phrase, "its your job" or any other lingo scapegoat....) I drove 7.5 hours, arrived at 1:30 am after a great trip with a staff from England named Vanessa, realizing that we have many many things in common.  I am not sure who this was better for, her or I... either way, it was a peaceful realization....  so I talked with the trip leader at 7:30 am, got things sorted out, listened, really heard what she had to say... blah blah blah   and returned to Des Moines at 4:10pm the next day.  I felt a little crazy in the head because the staff that I brought back with me (Jae Ho from South Korea) had very little to say and explained the best he could that he was very tired and wished to sleep for our journey back to camp.  I respect that he was honest.... but I could have done with a little conversation.   How do I handle this situation you ask??  Well, put in the best of my mixed CD's and sing at the top of my lungs.....  not to be rude.. but I was so tired and trying to stay alert through the middle of Missouri isn't exactly childs play.   He blinked a few times in my direction but in the end I would have to say he probably told all what a lovely voice I have... especially for my encore performance of Christina's  "Dirrrty"    "and I'm throwin elbows!!"

Cut to Wednesday:  (side note.. not much time will now be spent on work... it was the most insane week of the summer and it made me a little crazy.... fun, yeah, but tempers were high and so was the humidity)  Wednesday evening I went to a show with my brother, mom, and friend Chris Kilgs.  I don't see Chris too often these days so it was great to spend time with him... I don't really see my mother that much either and any time I get with her is splendid.  She takes care of my 101 year old  (not a typo... she is one hundred and one years of age) Great Grandmother who is slipping a bit and thinks my mom is trying to kill her.  My mom has given her every day fo the past three and a half years so this assumption is heartbreaking for her.  So we decided to get her away for a night.  We went to Raccoon River (ny favorite) for dinner followed by a concert a the Val Aire ballroom.  'Robert Randolph and the family band'  they are a bluesy group from NYC that has outgrown their home club and are now touring a bit.  My brother and I bought their CD just before our trip to North Carolina to see our sister. (we miss you Mac)  What a great show.... when worlds define boundaries and every can enjoy great music something great happens, not to sure about explaining it but it was a beautiful moment to look to my left and see Chris, to the right my mom, and in just over there my brother and absorbed in the moment and the sound.....  great. 

Anticipation of the weekend crept in early because Sam was back in town and I knew.... that it would be great time spent.  Friday night I layed low and went to dinner with my nephew knowing I needed all reserves for Saturday and Sam. 
Saturday afternoon I took some of the summer staff (great friends really) to the Taste of DesMoines... what I will refer to as the taste of a sidewalk... it was a bit of a pathetic representation of the great tasted of Des Moines.  HOWEVER, a relative of mine knows the guy who prints the food tickets and so each of us has about $4o in food and drink... well I wasn't hungry and oh! to my surprise you can use these at the beer tent....  so I made friends with a half a dozen domestic beers and had my way with a blow up obstacle course.... to the onlookers:  I do infact have full use of my lower body, I was just having a tough time getting up.   My friend Andrew and I raced but spent half of the time stuck in the middle giggling until a line full f four year olds built up and we were asked to exit the course.  At this time I realize that I am to be at Sams house in just over an hour and I am completely, stupid, beer drunk.  I have someone me back to camp where
I shower, make a few calls, talk to some friends, sober up, and head to the West Side. 
There is nothing better in this world than a night at the Griffins.  Let it be known.  Lela made delicious lasagna, Steve is always up for a few laughs and Sam and I can laugh for hours without saying a word.  Sam and I took a little nap after dinner in order to get our collective energies restored for the evening.... there is something absolutely irreplaceable about having a friendship where you can lay down for a nap and not have to say a word... nothing, you are completely comfortable in the silence of another and right off to sleep we drift... so content to be near to Sam.
And let it begin.... a little pink eye color and a few margaritas and we are off!!  On time nonetheless.  To the Garden we go, which was actually a huge change of pace for me as I do not have the same close network of friends that frequent the ever popular and dramatic garden scene.. it was nice to be excited to go.  we arrive and belly up to the bar where sweetest Seth is working.  (Seth is a friend osf Sams, and mine if I do say so myself and I really enjoyed his company) In tow were Nikki Z (love her), her cousin (name fails me here), Nicki(Nikki's intern) and Nick(Nikki's intern's friend)... now you know why I forget her cousins name.. it wasn't Nick or Nicki.  Fun is had and Sam and I share stories, scandalous stories that are not meant for readers.... be assured, I am convinced that no one I know or love will in fact, accept money for sex.  Alas I can sleep at night.  Some time later a few more friends drift in and out and I meet again Matt, who is friends with Nikki and Sam... we first met at car's graduation party (Cari, I miss you!) What a great night- drag queens, dancing, drinking, and making out.  yes, I will say that is was an unparalleled evening.  Sam and i truly know how to enjoy ourselves.  I was delighted with the evenings ocurances and feel for the readers sake, i must leave out details that may get into the wrong hands.  (not so much law enforcement, but a lady never kisses and blogs, it is just not polite.... when they may have access to read it that is...)

To the tall dark and handsome,  it was great to see you.  Let's have drinks or dinner.....  that would be nice. 

to my sweetest Sam... I love you SO much and I missed you the minute I left your house.  I have had the best days since we parted only because time with you and yours allows me to view things in a refreshed light.  I love you!!

Luke- thanks for reading.  I'm glad you are here, and that you are happy, and that you may get some soon.

Cody, I cannot wait to see you.  I miss you terribly- but I am still so proud of you.

A few more details at work and I am off.  It is 9:00pm and I arrived at 7:45 this morning... yeah, it was a great day. I have to talk to a staff from Russia... he told me today that he wanted to leave- he is one of our best... he said he is too tired to continue to work, I told him to have a break, that Iw ould cover for him and he said, "no, my muscles are not tired, i am tired in here." and pointed to his heart.  It made me sad.  There are some things that i cannot fix, but I will try my best.... I hope he stays, I let you know.

Ciao to all, thanks for letting me share this with you... it has been a fantasti week.  Only three weeks of camp and then we are finished.  It is hard to imagine that anticipation of the end actually creates a bit of nostaglia itself... I didn't think I would be feeling this great.


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I want my MTV! Signed, Talentless Pop Icons

I read this on the bathroom wall at Joe's place this last weekend in Iowa City. I thought it to be quite humurous... partly because of my recent dedication to talentless pop icons. (reader beware, the following is opinion- judge not.) Perhaps it is my camp state of mind that propells me into a state of want with ridiculous, sappy, love songs. case in point: I bought the Jessica Simpson cd and have Brittney on order.... I know you are ashamed... especially those of you that I have shared my musical depths with at great length- I give you my word that this is not a pattern, rather an environmental condition which allows my to be increasingly sensitive and want to sing at the top of my lungs to the breathy voice of a dim witted pop icon. Angels- oh yeah- I'm all over it in the shower (though I do prefer Robbie Williams version a bit better)... for later at night I like to turn on the radio in hopes of hearing a bit of Brittney- because she really knows how I am feeling right now. (insert perplexion, dazed look) I laugh at myself as these words leave my fingers- partly because I cannot believe I have let them go- this is really the sort of thing that I should keep to myself. I suppose if my friends can still admit their weakness for Wilson Phillips and Sam can still cry to Bonnie Raitt, then I am doing alright. You sing it Sam, sing it!
"I can't make you love me!"

and the winner is.... Susan Lucci!
I had a total alcohol inducced outburst.... I compare this to Susan Lucci because she gave her best time and time again and never really one the daytime Emmy until a year ago... well my performance is that of a non winning year for Susan, and myself. First of all, I would like to thank my friends, Budweiser, Bacardi, Quervo, and Cosmo.... I feel they deserve the most recognition in preparing me for my role. Also, my costars, who were unusually unsensitive to me creating the perfect platform for my non-winning performance. and best supporting role goes to Luke- who really did support me after it was all said and done... and I love him for that. for those close to me- you know that I am not an angry or emotional drunk- but damn I guess if you get personal when I am not at my wits best, I'll get you- and your friend. Seriously- it was a hilarious but embarassing performance. two close friends who were also drinking heavily were being assholes and usually I can just brush it off but this night I suppose many incidents all slammed together and they got the brunt of it. truth be known, I have not surrounded myself with people that made me feel this shitty for many years, nor will I. True personalitites surfaced and I realized that above anything else, I deserve the fantastic friends that I have in my life... and the rest of them can kiss it. this was the same night that I went to the garden for a brief moment and saw Sam, Monsoor, and Spencer. Great people, great friends. Talented people I adore. We may not talk everyday, or see each other at every weekend, but somehow it seems better.

My dearest Luke, I miss you even though you are here. I love you.

Jim, you are not dead to me.. (close one) I can't wait to see you in the fall.

This last weekend I went to Iowa City to spend time with Allison. I took a guy friend from camp and it had the potential to be an outstanding weekend.... but it wasn't. I didn't feel that the guy that went with me to Iowa City had the least bit of idea of the person that I am or the person that I want to be.... it was completely frustrating. (because at one point, for a half a second, I thought maybe he could something to me...don't fret readers- to no avail- he passed none of the tests...he is a friend at best) I need some space from him. It was awesome to see Allison and Brian and this was really nice. I miss Alli so much. I wish that the weekend could have been the girls- like the good 'ol days- but it didn't work that way... and soon the weekend was absorbed by what my friend wanted to do- and that was shitty. This weekend will be away from people- I need to be on my time.

Chris Kilgore- i miss you. now, and yesterday, and tomorrow.

Spencer- I hope things are well for you- all the best in your new adventures.

Cody- 'member when we talked on the phone and laughed for an hour and a half- I loved that.

Brittney Spears- love what you've done with the new album. BFF

Aww- I should go- it is 8:00 and I am still at work and would prefer not to be here.
