A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sarah Bell!!

Of course I remember Sarah Bell!!! ( I really am as excited as three exclamation points) back in the day when camp was golden and there was time to play capture tinkie Winky..... that sounds a bit rude but you know what I mean.

How are you??
you can email me at: cblecroy@hotmail.com

I am scheduling an England trip for March..... mmm hmmm.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Friday I'm in Love.....

It is not just a great Cure song... it is the truth. Well.. I went out last night for a few hours and had a few drinks with a guy that I have had a business relationship with for the past three years. He lives in the Bay Area and I live here. were are close in age.... in similar feilds... he drove 6 hours to hang out for the evening while he was out visiting camps in Minneapolis area. He is the coolest guy I have met in along while that I am super attracted to... there seems to be a few things in the way of a convenient flirtatious exploration.. but distance can't hold me back...never has. (you know I got ho's in different area codes) I'm keeping this one to myself for a while but something happened last night ... I guess you could call it chemistry. It was noticed by all. It was f**king fantastic to feel that. hmmm...

Other than that- at the end of today I will have put in 78.5 hours this week. Summer fun.

I am anxious to explore alot of aspects of life in the next few months. I think that the world is waiting for me and perhaps I haven't felt prepared until now.

I could have been arrested earlier today becasue I thought I was going to kill "Tyler" who works at US Cellular and was the biggest dick I have ever talked to in my life. I know that companies have policies...I just want a phone that works... I was about to scratch this man right in his face. please.

I hope the world at large is doing well. I know that I haven't shared any news that is much of entertainment but it will come my children, just you wait.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

I wonder if I take you home.....

I would go into all the details of life since my last blog but a complete recount would be redundant... so I shall highlight...

"Yeah, I just got out a long relationship so I am looking to have some fun..." This is a guys way of saying, "I would like to have sex with you... but I will not call you tomorrow." Luckily, I am hip to the lingo....because I say this many times myself to prevent long goodbyes... or even name exchange...even though I haven't been on a "long" realtionship, well... ever. It's just not my style, haven't found a good match-

anyway, a few weeks ago I went to see a friends band play. The drummer (identified below as Rosco.. in the pictures) is a friend from highschool and his older sister is one of my very best friends. Being a fan of a band that consists of people that you went to high school with comes running into people that also went to your highschool- say- ten years ago. (actually- nine) While watching the fantastic band.. I get the "eyes" from a familiar looking face. We exchange casual hellos and before you know it he is explaining his past dating history and his need for some "fun". He makes sure to tell me about his recently acquired degree to which I reply," yeah- but you still don't have a job.... good luck with that." And then explains that he would really like someone to show him around town.... He asks if I would like his number and I tell him I left my phone in the car.. he asks if he could have mine and I give it to him because I know how these things go... he calls my phone right away so I have his number and we both hear my phone ringing in my purse... I change the subject. Bottom line... I would have, but he was going to a lame bar that I wouldn't be caught dead at and it would be a tough hook up to justify to the friends. He looked good and everything, but not that good.

He left, I left (later) and at 2:01 I receive a text asking me what I am doing right now and did I want to meet up.... good thing we didn't.

because I got super stoned....
Gallstones that is. i spent the entire night glued to the toilet vomitting and lost consciousness twice from gagging and apparently not breathing. I went to the ER where I spent 5 hours and they scheduled me to have my gallblagger out Thursday I spent the next few days slipping in and out of reality while I let pain medication do the rest. Thursday I went in and under and two weeks later- here I am feeling fine, all wounds are healed and I am back at it full time at camp.

Work is great. this summer started with a downslide but the amount we have accomplished in the past four weeks is outstanding. I have the best team in the worlds and the best job. It is insane and I have returned to 12-16 hour days, but it is what I wait all year for.

To summarize, this is what I am responsible for:

98 seasonal staff members for 12 weeks
8 year round employees.
1.5 million dollar budget
1500 campers with special needs
88 acre camp site
50 people in a year round day habilitation program with disabilities

and then, of course, my life.

Perhaps you can understand why my blog may be out of date. In the fall I will share the post camp life stories. Right now I am in it.

I really miss the outside life and can't wait to catch up with everyone.

I will post some pictures soon.
