A Better Version of Myself.

Glimpses of a life that will not provoke jealously or resentment, rather, a simplistic understanding of an understated life.

Monday, February 23, 2004

chapter two of an endless weekend....(read chapter one below)

Waking up Saturday morning in Chicago after restless semi-sleep on a couch, the city was covered in a slight dusting of snow. My first thought was how I woke up so early without the reigns of an alarm and second thought was that I needed to move my car. It was parked at a meter accross the street in what I called a too good to be true spot... well... it was- I had a fifty dollar parking ticket. fuck. Signs were not posted ad it was not the start to my day that I had hoped.... looking to offer advice, Joe says, just don't pay it and then don't get pulled over in Illinois... okay.... hmmm, I tried not to get a parking ticket and look how far that got me. So I surrendered to the outrageously priced parking ramp just around the corner. I walked to Walgreens, bought a diet coke and then sat in Erins apartment and watched everyone sleep. I know this sounds creepy but it wasn't like that- I read some magazines and a little family guy and realized that I should start making noise so that I would not be alone just by being awake... basically the old theory that if I can't sleep then no one else can either. ha. So everyone wakes up thanks to me and we watch some hilarious television followed by a trip accross the street to Chipolte where burritos were had.... combine a burrito and a night of eight hour drinking- you do the math. So we went back to the aprtment and the sun came out so we drew the blinds and watched a few movies. Then we decide to stop being sloths and go to the zoo... the Lincoln park zoo that was apparently only six blocks away but sorry... someone was evidently trying to trick the chubby one because it should never take over an hour to walk six blocks- MILES MAYBE! ( I may be exaggerating but seriously it was at least two miles... or five.) At the zoo we saw some super cute animals and realized through my detailed observations that Snow Leopards are superstitious... they will not walk under ladders... and they were looking at my friend Rex like they would have him for a light snack given the opportunity. So we leave the zoo and the group splits up a bit and Erin, Rex and i go the scenic route past a bar called the Raven where it was decided that wewould have an afternoon drink... I went for a black and tan because its like a meal in a glass... off to Urban Outfitters to see Ra' who was working and I played a bit of X-box to the amusement of the on-lookers as I cannot play video games.

thats not all... to be continued... Kelli is a baby and won't leave me alone right now.

Spring Break..... table for one! chapter one.

I went to Chicago this weekend, what a great time. I am not sure where to even start so I will start at the beginning. (genius, I know)

Thursday after work Cody came to my house and we spent the entire eening together getting excited about going to Chicago and seeing people that we love and while we were excited we were also thankful to be in each others company. It has been SO long since we have just been near each other in a way that requires little voice..that understanding that needs no explanation. We made hats for the Madhatter birthday party that we were going to for Erin Green on Friday ( I will give bios at the end of this page). The pattern with this "figure eight" of friends (it is not so much a circle... though it is infinite.. it is much more of a dizzy experience) is that we abbr. everything. So we call Erin Er Gr. and it goes so far beyond names... not enough time to explain....So Cody and I go to the Salvation Army to get some "trucker" hats that we can snaz up and personalize... I am going to make one that says "ER" and his will say"GR" and it will be in her honor and it will be nice..... while at the Salvation army, Cody finds a shirt for me that says "FORTY HAPPENS" what better way to honor your friend that is turning 26 than to imply that she is forty? brilliant. So we go back to the house and have some chicken nuggets and make our hats... which were gorgeous!! and then watch a movie and go to sleep with plans of a great adventure waiting for us when we wake up...

We wake up just before 8am and get going... it is about a 6 hour drive and we don't really want to hit the rush hour traffic on a Friday....so we are on the road and having great talks and getting caught up on each other and appreciating that things are calm and good and we are great friends. We get to Chicago and find a parking spot right accross the street from our friends place and it seemed almost too perfect... so we get inside and drop off all of our shit... ( I really have a problem with packing- I could be going somewhere for a week or two days and I will end up packing the same amount... and I really don't wear half of what I bring with me.) Erin gets home from work and Wade is there and we decide to get some dinner before the swolen liver hits the fan. We go to Melrose Diner and get a bit of a dinner and then back to the apartment where decorations are having their way with the place. (Wade had bailed on the diner as soon as we got there... so tricky he is...) I met Stephanie (who is super sweet and great) and then began the start to the night. After preparations and hats and tacky earrings (I was completely trashy flashy, by choice) we start drinking... the party is designated to start at 10:00pm... and it is 7:00pm.. and we dive into the rum and diet cokes like we are in a contest.... and let me remind those who forget- I am a beer girl... I like beer, prefer it to any other drink (even water) and I get a bit out of sorts when I try to pretend that I can drink things like rum and still hold on to a thread of dignity. So people start to arrive around 10:30 ish and I have designated myself to be the greeter... I welcome people and they look at me as if I may or may not be a unicorn.... (there is some time missing in here some where but let the tricks and ho's begin) So Travis and I go for a heart to heart and walk out the back down to the laundry room... (I love him and miss him SO much) and I find a new and unused haetin duct type thing.. well, I am sure we can use this for SOMETHING! We get back upstairs and decide that the only logical thing to do is to bong beer ... the opening on either end is approxiamately the size of my face.... does that stop me... NO- I've got records to set! So I stcick this thing on my face and wheeler drenches me with what I assume is about 30 gallons of miller lite.... this tube is about 6 feet long so there is plenty of time for it to turn to runny foam before it reaches my face. I am a hero amoung the party, but a drunken, soaked mess in my owncompany. Time to chage my shirt... I think it is time for the "forty happens" shirt so I put it on and wheeler chops up the neck and sleeves.... the Cody wth all of his drunken fashion sense say that I need to rip the top "just a little" to make it look right and procedes to rip the middle of my shirt just below my bra... so now I am basically topless.. but some how my inhibitions took off some time ago and I decide that I might as well declare my own spring break.... drunken, ridiculous behavior only to be performed around those who expect nothing less from you... and did I deliver.... I then performed a pom routine with Joe with pillows acting as poms and somewhere in the evening thought it would be a good idea to get some of my pom fans to sign my already public breasts... with red permanent marker (yeah- I was definitely in the moment...) well- now that I am tattooed and tits out- might as well go to a bar! Of to Berlin with Ra' and Cody where we dances and I talked with a super cute guy and he asked for my number and I got his number and we took a picture together (good thing because I really don't exactly remember what he looks like)... then I decide to bail so I take a cab back ( it is now 3:30am) and everyone is super drunk and still insane and some people are eating cake and then we all decide to take pictures together... and then I am tired and I lay in Travis bed (he left) and was comfortable but Erin had her bed taken over so she joined me and I realized that I love my friends, all of them, but I have outgrown the day that I want to sleep ina single bed with anyone unless they are a man and we are tickling each other down there... wink.

Break! I am going to get some lunch and then on to Saturday night!

Friday, February 13, 2004

keeping my head above water...

Just a brief update. sorry for the lack of creative comunication... My grandma Jackie is in the hospital, very sick and I have been spending many overnights there to give her company, or support, or try to convince her to try to get better.... just try.. My heart is heavy and mind cloudy. but I'm okay.

keep her in your thoughts. please.

All my love to all my loves.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

"We could talk or not talk for hours"

Sorry to all who have relied on the information of my lives and have not been granted what you truly deserve... I am just actually spending my time at work actually working and by the time of five or six bells, I don't want to be here a minute longer. So I thought that it would be a bit of a snip it to tide a few of you over- Sam and Chris- two who I know wil for sure read.

Sam is now mista gq and then some.... so proud.

Chris- concert this weekend?? I am out until Friday at a conference in Illinois so holla at me cell.... I am looking forward to seeing you.

Alright... I miss people. just miss them- I guess that I am wondering if I miss the person or niss what used to be.... the convenience of it all... this whole moving away thing and living apart- it is not great. But I love all my friends- and you all know who you are and if you don't- I am sorry- you should know. or I should tell you.

Alright- I have lots to do and not much time so I send my best to all of you and I will continue this when I return and then we'll talk about my psuedo girls night out that ended with me waking up alone in my room at 4:30 am naked, no blankets, and the thermostat turned down to 50 degrees... yeah- then I woke up again at 7:30am (still a bit drunk) with a stocking hat, sweatshit, pants, two blankets, and sweating like no other- thermo was at 82 degrees. Is is possible for one woman to be goldie lox??? I think I am.....
