That is right, despite all o fmy questions of the universe and religion... Istil refer to this season as the season of Christmas... it provides me with a magical little warm fuzzie and I like that. Do I respect that others do not celebrate the same? Why yes, of course, this is why I love that while I am talking to Alli on the phone I can sing the dradle song to her...I love that song. Also, my dearest friend Jenni Loucks recently sent me a beautiiful bouquet of Kwanza Holiday flowers... I think this- if anything would express my diverse celebration. Does the Verizon commercial creep anyone else out?
I have spent the last few days with my grandmother and aunt preparing all of the best homeade Christmas goodies. Monday my grandmother and I made Peanut Brittle, yesterday was buckeyes (peanut butter/chocolate like reese's), peanut clusters, and old school chex mix. Today, after taking grandma to the doctor, we will make Divinity. From what Iunderstand, this is an acquired taste, and I love it. If youhave ever had this from a local grocery store, please form no opinions.. my grandmothers divinity melts in your mouth and is, well, simply DIVINE! Due to my recent retrictions of diet, my family simply does not know how to react. My Aunt Nan (nancy) turns away from me every time she eats anyhting and then proceeds to tell me how bad it tastes. My grandmother asks a million questions like,"Couldn't you put regular food in your mouth, chew it up, and then spit it back out so you can at least taste it?" and my brother, never shy or too concerned, eats a large bacon cheeseburger pizza while sitting next to me on the couch. This is my spectrum.
I completed all of my shopping last weekend, in a fury, as I also started all of my shopping on Saturday. I love the hustle of the stores, and I love even more so that the season is about giving and life and simple, loving things and yet people will plow you over in a heart beat to catch your parking spot. This kind of hypocrasy tickles me pink.
This weekend willbe a great one. Friday, Sam comes home and we are going to hang out.. it willbe different as i am not allowed the usual 6-12 Coors lights that typically get the arty started. Instead, I will pull together my sober witicisms and have a gay ol Griifin time.
Saturday we are having Christmas with my mom, the first in years, so I am really loking forward to this. We are having dinner and exchanging gifts and it will be a nice evening.
Sunday morning we (brother and I) will go to Grandma Jackies (dad's mom) and have breakfast and open presents. Every year, 9am, no exceptions. This is the most regular tradition in all of my life. If you don't make it to Christmas morning, you should be dead, or have an excuse that would make one feel like a complete ass for questioning your excuse.. (my sister ususally falls into this category, 5 kids, airline tickets vs. drive 24hours alone, etc) It is a wonderful morning that always manages to remind me that i am still the baby of the family and it makes me feel young and curious and excited. I love it.
Noon we will go to my Uncle John's (mom's side) where we will do that exchange and have some sort of roast... there are always lots of laughs and well told stories. It is an afternoon to be appreciated.
the evening we travel back to Grandma's for time spent enjoying each other's company and fresh-baked pies. mmmmhmm.
I hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New year.
Friday I will get the other half of my staples out so it is a day to be looked forward to. 18 staples down, 19 to go.
Take care!