not so much color blind....
Hey there all. Things are starting to have a bit of justice in my eyes and part of that comes from knowing that I cannot, in fact, make everything right. My words are what they are, and sometimes they don't come out right, sometimes they don't come out at all... but nonetheless, things are going better in my eyes and I feel that I owe little to no explanation for this.
I wish that I had brought the tarot readings with me so that I could type it for all to see. The thing is, I don't invest much of myself into this tarot or fortune type stuff... I am usually idealistic, but factually based.. as in, let me see it, then I will believe you. But somehow in the last few weeks with the way of my world, I have needing any sort of efinition... the gray had gotten the best of me and even my opinions had nothing to stand on... often sitting idle in my head as to not ruffle any feathers. nuff... here is a bit about some good things that are happening.
Tonight: I am going out with Jim and Korey, two great friends that I enjoy spending time with. Jim is leaving to teach in Prague and that makes me sad. when I think about it realistically, Jim and I have spent more time together in the last few months that we have in the past seven years... but that just makes me realize that damn, this guy is great company.. and I will know this again because Jim and I have established that we can be friends as we pursue our adult lives... Today is Halloween and usually I would dress up and get all crazy with the homies but I am opting for a simpler time. It isn't that I cannot appreciate a god wig every now and then, but it sounded nice to keep things simple this year. And Kelli might join us. Kelli needs a good night out. She works with me and used to tear it up (only like 5 months ago) but now her boyfriend is older and he doesn't go out and she hasn't established that part of her life in Des Moines, well darlin' let me show you the way. teehee.
I amgoing to North Carolina with my brother. We are driving down to see my sister. Fucking great. Seriously, no other way to describe it. Time away from life with my brother, there is nothing better. He is my best friend and I can't wait to travel with him. He doesn't get away from his life very often, and when he does, he is a totally difeerent person, its great. and I would say that I change a bit as well, I don't have the stresses of life and work.. I leave those bags at home.
Hilarious side story:
Alright, for all of you who have continuously encouraged me to take my act on the road... I just want to let you know that I had a revelation last night that all of my humour, I owe to my family. Seriously, my family is fucking hilarious... so ast night was beggars night and my aunt Nan runs out of candy about an hour earlier... so she digs around for what she can give the kids... meanwhile my grandma is sitting on the couch telling me that she looks pimpin' because she has on a pleather orange witch hat with an orange feather boa.... the dog is in a tu tu and a tiara, and my uncle John claims that all the kids are dressed like hookers this year.... so my aunt comes back with two packs of Ramen noodles, milkbones (for kids who have dogs??) and ten packets of instant oatmeal. Fucking hilarious. I coiuld not stop laughing, these people are my family, they are hilarious, and I love them. hilarious.
Alright, I have to go now... more details on the Minneapolis job front soon. They want me tointerview, and I hear from them daily... shit I have to get a resume together.
Struggle: am I honest with current employer, who has been great to me, about interviewing for this position, or do I hold off until things are a bit more decided....?
Have a great weekend.